Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Kinder Keys
On the way home she was feeling slighted. She asked me, "How come I don't have a piano?" And, "How come everyone has a piano except me?" Here we go! She evidently feels that she's underprivileged. It's easy to understand why. (Can you hear the sarcasm in my tone?)
But, seriously. I think I'll be taking her out to buy her a keyboard tonight. I did not know a single thing about piano class before this. I've never played, nor has anyone in my family. So, my initiation was during the first class. The instructor did say that she'd like them to practice between classes. Keyboards aren't that expensive, so I think we'll go ahead and get one. If it doesn't work out, we can donate it or something.
Take me out to the ballgame
Kevin & I went to the White Sox game Saturday. They won 8-7 against the Twins. It was a great game. They scored two home runs in the first inning. Comiskey (or whatever they call it now) looks very nice. It's a lot better than what it was the last time I was there. They've made some good improvements.
We won these tickets from Kevin's work. Grace spent the day with my sister-in-law and neices at the lake house. We got a day pass on the CTA so we could take the el all day. We grabbed the el to U of C to visit my Dad for a little bit before visiting hours were over. After that, we took it again and headed over to Lincoln Park. We went to Oven Grinders for dinner and then headed for home. It was a great day overall. We didn't get home till about 2am. And we got to sleep in too! Yay!
September 10 - don't forget to fly your flag
My dad was released from University of Chicago late yesterday. I mean REAL late. He wasn't home until after 11pm. Yesterday was Sunday, for Pete's sake. I honestly had given up the idea that he was going to be released when I left the hospital at 7pm. It's hard on my Dad to be there.
Evidently, they did a CT scan yesterday and found a mass on his right lung. He has an appointment tomorrow to follow up with a pulmonologist at U of C. We'll see what they say.
Other thoughts for today:
- Don't forget to fly your flag tomorrow in memory of those we lost on September 11th.
- Today is a family funeral for Dorothy Beckett. I'm sorry I wasn't able to even make it to the wake. She had not been well for a long time. I'm glad at the thought of her being restored. Life can be so cruel at times.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Family room silliness.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
She's not so timid anymore. We went to the Renaissance Faire yesterday and she decided the ponies weren't her speed. Instead she rode the camel. TWICE!
She also decided she wanted to try another amusement. They had trampolines you can jump on while connected to a harness connected to bungee cords. She must have bounced two stories high. She was about 98% thrilled and overjoyed and 2% terrified. Her face was priceless. I wish I could have caught it on camera. I'm afraid my Palm camera isn't enough to catch that.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thoughts for today
Fear is a big topic in the news this week because of the tragedy at the Virginia Tech campus. It's being called a massacre. I don't know what to call it. It's a horror for the families, that's for sure. I'm not going to comment on it out of respect for them.
I've been watching The West Wing series on DVD. I'm several years late watching the series. It's an excellent show. As I see President Bush comment on Virginia Tech, I find myself wishing that President Bartlet (the character from West Wing) was our President. President Bush lacks conviction and eloquence. He has little to no ability to inspire confidence from me. (He did it once on 9/11. I saw conviction and I believed him.) He's no more than a talking head. For Pete's sake, Mr. President! Extend SINCERE condolences to these families. Reach in you and find your voice!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Local boy grows up and does good
So, I borrowed the book from him. I read it. I was expecting it to be lame and only interesting to people from our town. But, it wasn't lame. It took me back to things I had forgotten about. A trip down memory lane. And the main character brought to mind Holden Caufield. I thought he was decent example of an unreliable narrator.
Anyhow, that's way more technical than I intended this post to be. My point in bringing this up was that I had a chance to talk to this author the other day. It was cool. His name is John McNally. I took the opportunity to tell him where my brother and I guessed he lived to see if we got it right. (We did.) It's nice to hear that someone from my area is doing well.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Just a thought
When I thought about it further, I thought about the Great Lakes and the area in which I live. I went to a college named Moraine Valley. There are Moraines all over the place here, which are basically areas that were supposed to have been formed by glaciers. Glaciers that melted, right? That was a long time ago, before we were industrialized.
And weren't the Great Lakes formed the same way? From Glaciers long gone? So, is Global Warming really something we have control over? Or is that just arrogance to believe that we really have control over it?
Just a thought. No answer.
Ansel Adams
I was reminded of a series of photos she took with our digital camera of which we (particularly her Dad) are quite proud. It's an action series. Of poop. Yes. That's right. Poop. She was evidently quite pleased with herself, so she photographed her accomplishment in the toilet. Then again as she flushed it, and again as it went down the drain, and again, and again.
That's our girl.
The magic wand
That day, we were in the bathroom brushing Grace's hair. I was sitting on the toilet and she was standing in front of me. She was playing with her wand. She was waving it around in circles and mumbling some things. I couldn't really hear what she was saying. I continued to brush her hair and put it up in a pony tail.
Suddenly, Grace turns around and taps me on the head with her magic wand.
"Darn." she says.
"Did you try to turn me into a toad?" I asked.
"Yes." she replied.
Let me tell you, it was not easy to hold back the laughter.
Easter update
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Adventures in house hunting
The main thing is to get us into a ranch style home. I can't live in a house with stairs any more. I'm walking fine today, but there was a while there I was not and I don't need to be unsafe in my own home. As a mom, I can't risk not being able to access all the exits or laundry or whatever. So, that's the motivation. Wish us luck.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Went to the movies
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Winter is almost over
Yesterday we had record warm weather. I think the high for the day was about 73°. Maybe it was 74°. I'm not sure how high -- I just know that it was pretty warm . Grace and I went out on a bike ride with the neighbor kids. I was pretty impressed with how far grace could go. I think we rode our bikes for about a mile. Not bad for a 3 1/2 year old kid.
Grace does pretty well on a bike too. We bought her the bike at the end of last summer. She didn't have much time to practice on it before the weather got cold. She never did figure out how to use the brakes last year. She seems to have the hang of it now.
Wow! I can talk to my computer
Pretty cool huh?
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Grace's first dentist appointment
I'm guessing since her baby teeth are already close together, and both her dad and I had crowded teeth ... we'll have an orthodontist bill in our future.
Valentines day, ruby slippers and the Easter bunny
She was telling me that she was hoping the Easter Bunny would bring her ruby slippers for Easter. Some days I would spy her meditating while looking at the DVD cover, repeating, "I wish I had ruby slippers. I wish I had ruby slippers." Exaggeration? I'm not that clever.
On Valentines day, as we were almost ready to leave for daycare, she asked me, "How come the Easter bunny didn't come?"
Fortunately for me, I still had not picked up a Valentine for her. So, since I now realized she had hoped for her ruby slippers to arrive on Valentines day, I get to be her hero and buy her them. And we all lived happily ever after.
My rookie mother story
The panic begins. I run to her, turn her around, and start applying my feeble and untrained version of the Heimlich (sp?) (Rookie move#2) and begin screaming "SHE'S CHOKING!" at the top of my lungs. (Rookie move#3). I look at her to see if my fancy anti-choking technique is working and she is still making that awful noise. Now I'm turning her upside down and screaming "KEVIN!" (Rookie move #4). I'm in pure panic and terror mode and screaming and terrorizing my poor child and now my husband has joined me and he's in that panic too. Fortunately for us all he's able to remove her from my grips and figure out that she's coughing and not choking. The poor child was abused for coughing.
I took her to the doctor the next day and told the doctor my story. I laughed so hard telling my sister the next day that I cried. We joked that I have to tell the doctor, "Ignore the marks on her ribs and her ankles - those were not child abuse... they were my attempts to revive her."
I'm cool as a cucumber under pressure.