Monday, September 10, 2007
Kinder Keys
On the way home she was feeling slighted. She asked me, "How come I don't have a piano?" And, "How come everyone has a piano except me?" Here we go! She evidently feels that she's underprivileged. It's easy to understand why. (Can you hear the sarcasm in my tone?)
But, seriously. I think I'll be taking her out to buy her a keyboard tonight. I did not know a single thing about piano class before this. I've never played, nor has anyone in my family. So, my initiation was during the first class. The instructor did say that she'd like them to practice between classes. Keyboards aren't that expensive, so I think we'll go ahead and get one. If it doesn't work out, we can donate it or something.
Take me out to the ballgame
Kevin & I went to the White Sox game Saturday. They won 8-7 against the Twins. It was a great game. They scored two home runs in the first inning. Comiskey (or whatever they call it now) looks very nice. It's a lot better than what it was the last time I was there. They've made some good improvements.
We won these tickets from Kevin's work. Grace spent the day with my sister-in-law and neices at the lake house. We got a day pass on the CTA so we could take the el all day. We grabbed the el to U of C to visit my Dad for a little bit before visiting hours were over. After that, we took it again and headed over to Lincoln Park. We went to Oven Grinders for dinner and then headed for home. It was a great day overall. We didn't get home till about 2am. And we got to sleep in too! Yay!
September 10 - don't forget to fly your flag
My dad was released from University of Chicago late yesterday. I mean REAL late. He wasn't home until after 11pm. Yesterday was Sunday, for Pete's sake. I honestly had given up the idea that he was going to be released when I left the hospital at 7pm. It's hard on my Dad to be there.
Evidently, they did a CT scan yesterday and found a mass on his right lung. He has an appointment tomorrow to follow up with a pulmonologist at U of C. We'll see what they say.
Other thoughts for today:
- Don't forget to fly your flag tomorrow in memory of those we lost on September 11th.
- Today is a family funeral for Dorothy Beckett. I'm sorry I wasn't able to even make it to the wake. She had not been well for a long time. I'm glad at the thought of her being restored. Life can be so cruel at times.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Family room silliness.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
She's not so timid anymore. We went to the Renaissance Faire yesterday and she decided the ponies weren't her speed. Instead she rode the camel. TWICE!
She also decided she wanted to try another amusement. They had trampolines you can jump on while connected to a harness connected to bungee cords. She must have bounced two stories high. She was about 98% thrilled and overjoyed and 2% terrified. Her face was priceless. I wish I could have caught it on camera. I'm afraid my Palm camera isn't enough to catch that.