Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Girlies

We had this made for my parents for Christmas. I wish my in-laws were a little closer so we could do something like this for them.

Christmas Picture

I had only 1 made - and I'm not sure where I put it after I scanned it. Lord help me.

Trying out another new way to post

I've got a new version of software that's supposed to let me post directly to my blog without actually signing in to my blog, so this is a test post. I'm hoping this will help me to get to do some more elaborate formatting without having to learn much about HTML coding. We'll see how it goes. Let's include a picture for fun, eh?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Run Grace! Run!

I don't think this moment held any magic for Grace. She's a little young for this to have any mystique. But her dad did get to live vicariously through her. :-)

Father's Day

Daddy & Grace at Comiskey Park on Father's Day 2008. Go White Sox!

Happy Birthday

It's hard to believe she's 5 already. She's getting to be so grown up. I keep telling her this is going to be a year of great things for her. She's already done so much. She's lost her first tooth, she's taken piano lessons, basketball, soccer, t-ball, dance, learned to swim, and is starting to learn to ride a bike without training wheels. She's also starting to learn to read. All before a day of kindergarten. I'm so proud of her.


They study butterflies every year at daycare. They order caterpillers, then watch them morph into butterflies and release them. Isn't it cool that they get to hold a butterfly? It's not often you get to do that, huh?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

June 22, 2007 - Brookfield Zoo

Butterfly garden. Look carefully at the flowers and you'll see the butterflies!

Dec 17, 2007 - Yorktown Mall

This was a clever pose.

Dec 17, 2007 - Yorktown Mall

Kelly, Grace & Rachel

Dec 17, 2007 - Yorktown Mall

Here's a picture from my phone. We took these as we were waiting to have professional pictures done of the girls. I need to get those scanned in and posted here also.