Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Christmas!

It's been a while since I've been able to update. The days following Thanksgiving I had a another MS flare that caused a rapid decline in my health. Kevin liked to describe it as my left side was drunk. I had a lot of left side weakness, walked with a cane, and was too frustrated to do more typing than I had to.

To make a long story short, I'm doing some intense drug, physical and occuptional therapies, and they have really helped. I've recovered a lot of my abilities and am not so reliant on other people. I think the doctors will release me to drive again, and that will take a big burden off the family. I'm hopeful for a full recovery.

I think that I had the best Christmas yet. Grace is at a great age now. I'll post pictures and stories as I get the time. Right now I have to focus on my therapy and Grace. I know many of you have been wondering how I am doing, and I wanted to get word out that I'm improving every day. Keep those prayers coming! They are working!

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