Friday, November 24, 2006

Sasquatch Sighting

The elusive photo of Kevin. Yes. It's proven that he does indeed exist, despite beliefs that he is merely a legend and rarely seen or photographed.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

When I was a kid, we just took naps after Thanksgiving dinner?!?

What's with the googly eyes on Grace? That's me . I'm glad I finally have a recent picture of myself that looks decent.

Here's all the kids. L to R Rachel, Angela, Anthony, Kelly and Grace. Poor Anthony. He manages to hang with the girls pretty well.

This is a picture of my sister Val and my cousin's husband Claudio.

Here's my brother Brian and sister Val. Brian and his wife Theresa hosted Thanksgiving this year for the first time. It turned out very nice. They have a nice house.
As a side note, Brian shaved his mustache off on Halloween for the first time in over 10 years - so for those who know him, this is a no doubt a shocking picture!

Bengston's Farm

The first picture is Grace's very first pony ride. That's her cousin Rachel with her. The next picture is Grace and Rachel in the pumpkin patch. Look how Grace adores Rachel! It was really cold that day - look how red the girls' faces were. We couldn't stay and do everything we wanted because we weren't dressed warm enough. Note to self: Next year, wear hats and gloves, even if it seems like a nice day out when you leave home.

October Snow???

Here's a strange sight - Check out my petunias in full bloom covered in snow. This picture was taken in my front yard October 12th, 2006. I put the planter of petunias in the spot where we had a tree and stump removed until we could get something else to grow there.

Friday, November 17, 2006

How to cook a turkey by Grace

Here's Grace's version of how to cook a turkey. Given 11/15/06 to Tammy, her daycare provider. Here were the intsructions: "Write the directions for cooking a turkey. Make a list of ingredients you would need and how much. Include oven temperature and time. "

List of ingredients:
Water maybe
Sugar maybe

She puts the nose in and theleg. She puts the turkey in a pan, maybe. She puts milk on it.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Neurologist visit

I saw the neurologist last week Thursday. He showed me my MRI results and there were two new MS lesions on my brain that were pretty big. They were in my occipital lobe, which is the lobe that is involved with your vision. So, the MRI findings correlate perfectly with my symptoms. My doctor wants me to start taking the MS medications again, and I'm going to try to do that. I've had a hard time sticking with them in the past, but I feel like I need to try again. We'll see how it goes.

On a more positive note, I'm back to work this week after being off for two weeks to take steroids for my MS attack. The steroids seem to have helped improved my vision. I don't know if I've had total recovery, but I am not noticing blind spots like I was before! That's a very good thing. Thanks everyone for your prayers and support.

Maybe this is a better picture of her in the dry creek bed. I can't decide which one I like better. You'll have to help me decide. Which one do you like best? This one or the next one? Use the comments to help me pick! Thanks!

Here's another one of my favorites. This was taken in the dry creek bed at Uncle Dale's house. Thanks to Aunt Deena for the total American Girl ensemble - Bitty Baby and all. It makes for a really cute picture, wouldn't you agree?

I just love the faraway look in her eyes here. She looks so grown up. Sometimes I can't believe my eyes when I look at these pictures. There's something in this picture that I don't normally see in her.

Who is the cutest???

Here's one of Grace's 3-year photos. This was taken by her Uncle Dale at his house in Iowa in August. It's nice to have an Uncle who dabbles in photography, isn't it??