Saturday, March 24, 2007

Adventures in house hunting

Kevin and I have started to look at model homes. We're in the very earliest stages of planning. The twinkle in the eye, so to speak. Ideally, we'll move right before Grace goes into kindergarden so as to cause the least amount of disruption to her life as possible. But, sometimes my plan and God's plan are not always one and the same, so we'll just see how it all goes. The idea right now is to learn the new home ropes and see who is who and what is what.

The main thing is to get us into a ranch style home. I can't live in a house with stairs any more. I'm walking fine today, but there was a while there I was not and I don't need to be unsafe in my own home. As a mom, I can't risk not being able to access all the exits or laundry or whatever. So, that's the motivation. Wish us luck.

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