Saturday, February 24, 2007

My rookie mother story

Right around mid January Grace had croup, but I didn't get a chance to post my funny rookie mother story about how we found out she had it. I woke in the middle of the night to this horrible sound coming from her room. So, I went running in her room to find her sitting up in her bed, eyes watering, and making what I think sound like gasping for air noises. I ask her if she can breathe (Rookie move #1) and she shakes her head no.

The panic begins. I run to her, turn her around, and start applying my feeble and untrained version of the Heimlich (sp?) (Rookie move#2) and begin screaming "SHE'S CHOKING!" at the top of my lungs. (Rookie move#3). I look at her to see if my fancy anti-choking technique is working and she is still making that awful noise. Now I'm turning her upside down and screaming "KEVIN!" (Rookie move #4). I'm in pure panic and terror mode and screaming and terrorizing my poor child and now my husband has joined me and he's in that panic too. Fortunately for us all he's able to remove her from my grips and figure out that she's coughing and not choking. The poor child was abused for coughing.

I took her to the doctor the next day and told the doctor my story. I laughed so hard telling my sister the next day that I cried. We joked that I have to tell the doctor, "Ignore the marks on her ribs and her ankles - those were not child abuse... they were my attempts to revive her."

I'm cool as a cucumber under pressure.

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