Friday, April 20, 2007

Thoughts for today

I was looking at some of my friends' blogs and I realized they don't use their names or their children's names on their blogs. Upon that realization, I felt a wave of fear wash over me. Have I made a huge mistake with this blog? Am I putting my family at risk?

Fear is a big topic in the news this week because of the tragedy at the Virginia Tech campus. It's being called a massacre. I don't know what to call it. It's a horror for the families, that's for sure. I'm not going to comment on it out of respect for them.

I've been watching The West Wing series on DVD. I'm several years late watching the series. It's an excellent show. As I see President Bush comment on Virginia Tech, I find myself wishing that President Bartlet (the character from West Wing) was our President. President Bush lacks conviction and eloquence. He has little to no ability to inspire confidence from me. (He did it once on 9/11. I saw conviction and I believed him.) He's no more than a talking head. For Pete's sake, Mr. President! Extend SINCERE condolences to these families. Reach in you and find your voice!


Anonymous said...

Bartlet for President! Here Here! Did you see Bush's first filmed reaction of 9/11 while he was sitting in front of a classroom full of young students?

Unknown said...

Regarding blog anonymity...I've never been one to worry about this sort of thing. But on realizing last month that the birth parents of all my foster kiddos are given our personal information--including our address--I've decided to try to remain as anonymous as possible in all aspects of my life. They may know where I live, but I'd rather they not have ANY identifying information regarding my children.